Global Conference
Sri Sathya Sai Ideal Healthcare 2025
This conference will focus on “Sathya Sai Ideal Health Care”a platform to showcase that world class healthcare can be provided free of cost with love and care.
Universal Healthcare
A Doctors should serve the poor with spirit sacrifice. There is no greater service than this. As man is the embodiment of God, it is his primary duty to help the destitute and the forlorn. Medicine should not be commercialised. It is meant to promote heart-to-heart and love-to-love relationship between doctor and patient. A true doctor is one who realises this truth and conducts himself accordingly
-Sri Sathya Sai Baba, 2003
Loving Healthcare
If the doctor is full of love and compassion God works through him. Doctors, therefore, have to endeavour to become the receptacles of Divine Power during their healing process.
-Sri Sathya Sai Baba, 1980
Free Healthcare
Welfare services should be free for all. There are numerous people who cannot afford the costs of medical treatment. Doctors should render free service to such persons.
-Sri Sathya Sai Baba, 1995
Comprehensive Healthcare
Man suffers from two types of ills, physical and mental. They are caused by disequilibrium of the three tempers and three Gunas. Physical health is a prerequisite for mental health and mental health ensures physical health.
-Sri Sathya Sai Baba, 1959
Preventive Healthcare
The current belief is that medicine is to be valued for its use during illness. But this point of view has to change. Medicine is used to see that one does not fall ill, just as the purpose of truth is to so live that one is not subjected to birth again.
-Sri Sathya Sai Baba, 1980
Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Medical Sciences, Puttaparthi
Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Medical Sciences,
Sri Sathya Sai General Hospital
Sri Sathya Sai General Hospital
Sri Sathya Sai Mobile Hospital
Conference Focus Areas
The conference will delve into transformative healthcare practices, innovative medical research, and holistic patient care approaches. Experts will discuss the integration of technology in healthcare, the importance of compassionate care, and strategies for sustainable healthcare systems.
Free worldclass healthcare
Healthcare should be available to all, irrespective of caste, religion, nationality, or financial status. Bhagawan explains it in very simple words: When disease makes no distinctions of high or low, rich or poor, should those who cure make such distinctions? Even the architecture of the hospitals underscores this principle, their wide arms as if embracing all those who come to them for succour.
Sai Rehabilitation Program
Sai Rehabilitation Program started by Bhagawan helps the patients to recover post surgery in their home settings. Sevadal volunteers visit the patients to ensure that they are compliant with their medications and undergo regular lab test to ensure that PT/INR values are in correct range after Valve Replacement surgery.
Healthcare with Love
The atmosphere of Love and Compassion which pervades the hospitals encourages patients’ recovery. The doctors and the caregivers and the hundreds of Sevadal (service volunteers) are inspired by the ideal “Service to Man is Service to God”
Community Centric Preventive Healthcare
Bhagawan said many villagers are not able to go to hospitals as they live a hand to mouth existence. He wanted the healthcare to reach them. So He started the Sri Sathya Sai Mobile Hospital in 2006. Mobile Hospital goes to cluster of villages in the Sri Sathya Sai District on fixed day of the month to check their Health and provide monthly refill of medications for life style diseases.
Technology in Healthcare
Bhagawan has always emphasized that best technology should be used in patient care despite the fact that it is completely free. This has been in practice across all the hospitals of Sri Sathya Sai Central Trust right from inception.
State of the art equipment in all departments inclusive of diagnostic as well as therapeutic.
Modern electronic health information systems networking all the hospitals to capture patient data.
Sai Counselling
Obtaining Medical care is a very traumatic experience for anyone. Sai Counselling which has been inspired by Bhagawan is patient centric counseling which helps patients to be calm as they go through major surgical experience while being rooted to their personal faith.
Conference Itinerary